Prioritizing Use Cases: Structured Approach for Maximum Impact

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), organizations are inundated with a plethora of potential use cases. From automating routine tasks to deriving insights from vast data sets, the possibilities seem endless. However, to truly harness the power of AI and drive substantial organizational growth and innovation, it is imperative to prioritize these use cases effectively. This is where a structured approach becomes essential.

With numerous potential applications of AI, organizations can easily become overwhelmed. Without a clear method for prioritization, efforts can become fragmented, resources may be misallocated, and opportunities for significant impact could be missed. A structured approach provides a roadmap for navigating the multitude of use cases, ensuring that efforts are focused on the most beneficial and strategically aligned initiatives.
Leveraging Expertise and Aligning with Priorities

At the heart of our structured approach is the integration of expert insights and organizational priorities. We began by assembling a team of AI champions—experts with deep knowledge and experience in AI technologies and their applications. These champions played a crucial role in identifying and evaluating potential use cases.

To ensure alignment with broader organizational goals, we solicited input from various teams across the organization. This collaborative process helped to surface use cases that were not only technically feasible but also strategically important. By involving stakeholders from different departments, we ensured that the selected use cases addressed real business needs and had the potential to deliver significant value.

Evaluating Use Cases with Predefined Criteria

To systematically evaluate the potential use cases, we developed a set of predefined criteria. These criteria included:

  • Return on Investment (ROI) Metrics: Analyzing the financial impact of each use case, including cost savings, revenue generation, and efficiency improvements.
  • Strategic Alignment: Ensuring that each use case supports the organization’s long-term strategic goals and objectives.
  • Feasibility and Scalability: Assessing the technical feasibility of implementation and the potential for scaling the solution across the organization.
  • Impact on Customer Experience: Considering how each use case could enhance the customer experience, either directly or indirectly.

By applying these criteria, we were able to objectively evaluate and rank the use cases. This systematic process helped to distill complex scenarios into common patterns and provided a clear view of where to focus our efforts.

Insights into GenAI Adoption

Through this structured prioritization process, we gained valuable insights into the overarching themes driving GenAI adoption within our organization. We identified several key areas where AI could deliver the most impact, such as:

  • Operational Efficiency: Automating routine tasks and optimizing processes to reduce costs and increase productivity.
  • Financial Optimization: Enhancing financial functions through predictive analytics, risk management, and fraud detection.
  • Customer Experience Enhancement: Personalizing interactions and improving service delivery to drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.

These insights not only guided our immediate AI initiatives but also informed our long-term strategy for AI adoption. By understanding the common patterns and themes, we could develop a cohesive AI strategy that aligns with our overall business objectives.


Prioritizing AI use cases through a structured approach has proven to be instrumental in driving maximum impact. By leveraging the expertise of our AI champions, aligning with organizational priorities, and systematically evaluating use cases, we have been able to focus our efforts on the most promising initiatives. This approach not only facilitates effective prioritization but also provides valuable insights that guide our broader AI strategy. As we continue to navigate the evolving landscape of AI, this structured approach will remain a cornerstone of our efforts to drive growth and innovation.

Laura Conde-Canencia, doralia AI